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Zedlam map based gameszed logo

This page is for the board game and computer versions of the games: Zedlam USA, Zedlam Europe, and Zedlam World games. These games work as map-based multi-stop road trip games across real maps for the game board. They are programmed to include the names and capitals of the included countries and states, as well as being able to identify bodies of water a person may click-on or touch with a touch screen device. These allow the games to also be used to generate quizzes for identifying states, countries or capitals. The quizzes can be region-based such as just asking questions about the United States, the Americas, Africa, or just European countries as well. The physical game boards for Zedlam USA, Zedlam Europe, and Zedlam World come with a separate answer key to use the game boards to learn or teach states, countries, and/or capitals the same way as the computer game does. The games were created back in the 1990's to teach capitals. The idea is to be able to name the states, countries and/or capitals of the states or countries you land on. If you don't know it, you have to look it up. You can make your own trips with as many stops on the way as you want. They are fun games to play with easy rules to learn, and are creative ways to learn or teach geography at the same time.

Download links...
New: Download Zedlam USA for Windows XP through 10

New: Download Zedlam Europe for Windows XP through 10

New: Download Zedlam World for Windows XP through 10

See the links below to see the real board games on eBay...

New: Zedlam USA board game (normal version)

New: Zedlam Europe board game (normal version)

New: Zedlam World board game (normal version)


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